
Epiphany of the Lord

It's the second day of the year, and we have another solemnity to celebrate. Traditionally, the Epiphany is on January 6, which is when my family will gather for what we call Little Christmas or La Befana. (More about this later in the week.)

But today we heard the Epiphany readings at Mass, and I was struck by how fitting they are for the start the New Year. The magi journeyed in faith, followed a star, offered themselves and their treasures, and listened to their dreams. 

So today, I'm asking myself, "What gift can I offer the baby Jesus this year?"

I'm going to think about that and put my answer on top of my resolution list. 


Mary, Mother of God

The first of the year is a solemnity in honor of Mary, Mother of God. I imagine this is to remind us to put the New Year ~ along with all our concerns and desires ~ in her hands.  

Two simple ways to honor Mary in the midst of all our New Year celebrations:

1. When saying grace, add a Hail Mary.

2. Before your meal, say a toast in her honor. We said this at dinner, "Mary, Mother of God, be our Mother in the New Year."



My intention behind Traditions for Two is to create a year of rituals and celebrations ~ traditions ~ specifically for small Catholic families.

My husband and I have been married for 5 years, and as of yet, it's just the two of us. (It's OK. We like each other's company!) But usually, it's the arrival of children that helps a couple hammer out all the lovely traditions they will share as a family. For sure, this isn't always the case. My sister is a queen of domesticality, and she and her husband had lots of traditions before the birth of their son. But for the domestically challenged like myself, figuring out a rhythm of rituals can be overwhelming.

And Catholics have so much to celebrate ~ feast days and solemnities ~ in addition to all the standards! So this year, in this space, I will be creating a sort of guideline for myself. You are welcome to join me on this journey. 

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